Ah, social media. Whether the term fills you with dread or joy, it’s a critical part of marketing for any business. But as with most things, there isn’t a one-size-fits all when it comes to social media marketing for real estate. Because real estate is all about building relationships through market savvy and customer service, your social media marketing needs to hit to those targets. Following are quick and easy social media strategies to live by:
The worst thing you can do with your social media marketing is to be inconsistent. Don’t post everyday for a week, and then stop posting at all for the next three. That will never get you the results you’re looking for. It feels unreliable when you’re here one day and gone the next.
Commit to a posting schedule and start by posting something simple. For example, I know an agent who is an avid gardener and starts each day by posting a photo of one of her plants. Others might highlight their dog or horse. The point is to focus on something you love that brings joy and share at least that on a regular basis. From there you can start to include other things, like your latest listing or closing, the latest market metrics, and so forth.
There is no need to blanket yourself across all social media channels. That can get exhausting, especially if you don’t have help. Commit to two social media platforms, say Instagram and Facebook, and be the best you can be on those two platforms. It’s better to have amazing, professional content on only two channels than to have ineffective, sloppy content on numerous channels.
Avoid coming across as too stuffy and professional. People trust people they can relate to. Be yourself, whatever that self is, and watch what happens. That being said, always do your homework and know what you’re talking about.
Don’t hide yourself behind a logo. Always use your name and face on all of your marketing, even though it might sometimes feel like it’s over the top. We are hard-wired to recall faces. When you use your face as your brand, over and over and over again, it becomes familiar. Other industries might look at this as a cheesy thing to do, but in real estate, it’s normal. Your face is your brand. Embrace that.
People have limited time and an even more limited attention span. Make your content simple, quick and easy to grasp.
Avoid being salesy like the plague. Everyone is sick of being sold to. Instead, provide useful, relevant information about housing, the market, loans, the neighborhood you represent, the community you live in, and so forth. Use your social media to angle into sales from the vantage point of useful, helpful information and customer service. Remember that your potential buyers and sellers need your services. Speak to those needs.
Remember what your true mission is as a real estate agent: to be of service. Forget about any aspirations to be a superstar or an influencer on social media. It’s not about you. It’s about your clients.
The easiest way to be memorable is to make people feel good. Don’t show off. Don’t brag. Don’t whine. Don’t talk about politics.
Use content that has humor and is uplifting. Highlight slices of your personal life that are relatable. Create stories of your real estate experiences and use those stories as highlights in memorable ways. A balance of personal sharing combined with professional tips and guidance is the recipe you’re after here.
Remember that social media can be a great tool to help people feel like they know you. People want to work with people they know because it creates a feeling of trust. If you share common interests, even better. In the end, getting to know each other is the overall goal of social media marketing.