Does just the thought of hosting Thanksgiving curdle your gravy? Most of us have been there and the day is no fun if you’re stressed. No worries. Here is Your Guide to a Stress-Free Thanksgiving. We can help you prepare and simplify, so your Turkey Day is more about giving thanks than giving yourself grief for your shortcomings.
A Few Weeks Ahead…
- Make lists! Who is coming? No need to narrow down to an exact amount. Set an extra place setting the day of if needed.
- Make a list of all your perishables and non-perishables. Shop for your non-perishables now. Set aside a “Thanksgiving” spot in your cabinet to keep track and find later.
- Do you have enough chairs? Borrow or reserve at a party rental store.
- Tidy up and decorate your front porch or entryway. Throw an autumn wreath on the door or use fresh pumpkins.
The Weekend Before…
- Clean out your fridge and freezer to make room for your turkey and any dishes you will make ahead of time.
- Buy your turkey and let it begin to thaw in your fridge.
- This next tip is a “game-changer” and may serve as the ultimate solution to relieve Thanksgiving stress. Shop for and prepare dishes ahead of time you can freeze. Yes, freeze! This includes pies, casseroles, rolls, and even stuffing. Check out Food Network’s Ultimate Make-Ahead Thanksgiving for more ideas.
Is Your Oven Ready for Thanksgiving?
A Few Days Before…
- Make sure your dishes, serving platters, wine glasses, trivets, etc. are washed and ready to go onto your table later.
- Prepare your dinner napkins and tablecloths if this task includes washing or ironing.
- Put sticky notes on platters to make sure you have what you need.
- Clean your house, but no “deep cleaning” allowed! Focus on your entryway, the bathroom, your dining room and your living room.
- Gather your recipes, pin them somewhere in your kitchen; note the cooking temp and time for each recipe for easy reference.
The Night Before…
- Move your frozen dishes to the fridge, and let them thaw overnight
- Set your table, lay out labeled serving platters
- Arrange flowers
- Prep any dishes you can tonight
On Thanksgiving Day…
Get your turkey in the oven on time. Fill one side of your sink or a large pot with hot soapy water to clean as you go.
Most Important…
…if someone offers to help you, say yes! It is a great way to spend time with friends and family. Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year. We don’t travel to taste the perfect pie. We travel to get to the imperfect people we love to spend time with them. Now do your part. Relax and enjoy them!