Experts recommend the following tasks be tackled around your home every year. They are a great way to prevent costly repairs down the road.
Clean your gutters
Gutters will more likely rust and get damaged when they’re clogged. Make sure your roof’s drainage system is free of leaves, sticks, and other debris in order to keep your gutters flowing free all season. Check to make sure water is properly diverted by your gutter and downspouts away from your home’s foundation.
How to Clean Gutters: The 5 Best Ways to Get the Job Done
Inspect your roof
Homeowners everywhere can attest to the problems a leaky roof will create. Use binoculars to inspect your roof and check for damaged or missing shingles. If you notice a large accumulation of roofing granules in your gutter, it’s a sign that your roof is losing its coating.
Give your furnace a checkup
You’re going to want your heater working properly when temperatures begin to drop. Experts suggest having your heating system inspected by a professional before the cold weather arrives.