Is your Air Conditioner working as hard as you are this summer? De-stress your AC with These Tips. A little AC TLC will go a long way and help you keep cooler, longer.
Make sure your windows are properly sealed. Air leaks not only let cold air in during the winter, but they also allow hot air into your cool home. If the temp inside your home remains high, it causes your AC to run longer, use more electricity, and in the end, cost you more money. Fill gaps around your windows with a high-quality caulk to seal any leaks. Take note of any gaps around your doors as well.
Quick Fixes for Drafty Windows
Ceiling Fans
Make sure your ceiling fan runs counterclockwise in the summer. A counterclockwise rotation will create an air current that pushes down and then out. This sends air back up along the walls. Since cooler air stays low along the floor, the fan blades redistribute the cooler air up to a higher level.
A/C Unit
Regular AC maintenance will not only keep your AC running better, it keeps it running longer. Clean the evaporative coil, the condensing unit, the condensate drain line, and replace your AC filters regularly.
How To Maintain Your Air Conditioner.
Get Your A/C in Shape For Summer
Curtains not only add color and flair to a room, but they’re also a great way to control your home’s heat gains in the summer. According to Energy.gov, studies show that “medium-colored draperies with white-plastic backings can reduce heat gains by 33%.”
During the summer, your attic fills with hot air. You would, too, if you had the sun on you all day. Take time to update your attic’s insulation to help keep the hot air in your attic and not your house. BobVila.com offers great ideas and instructions on how to insulate your attic.
Smart Thermostats
Smart thermostats help you regulate your air conditioner from anywhere using an app on your phone. Smart thermostats know when a heatwave is coming, will maintain temperature settings during certain times of the day, and even report on your home’s energy usage.
Take the load off your air conditioner with these Tips to De-Stress Your AC. Your AC will thank you all summer long!