We all get caught up with the holidays in December, which means you already have plenty to deal with. The last thing you need is a malfunction you may have been able to avoid with just a little preventive work. There are ways to keep your winter home running smoothly all season long if you remember these 5 important winter home maintenance tasks.
1. Gutter
Check your gutters. Be ready for the rain that comes with winter. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are free of debris to prevent clogs that can damage or break your gutters and even put a strain on your roof.
How to Clean Your Gutters Like a Boss
2. Electrical
Check your electrical. Take a look at your main panel and make sure the breaker wires and insulated and are not discolored. If you spot potential problems, schedule a professional electrician to do further testing and evaluation.
3. Dryer
Clear your dryer vents. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the leading factor contributing to the ignition of home fires involving clothes dryers was a failure to clean them. Reduce the risk by cleaning the lint screen, but more importantly, the lint vent, which is located at the back of most dryers.
4. Windows
Seal your windows. Check for gaps in your windows and doors by simply feeling for cold air with your hands. Add new weatherstripping or caulk where needed. Ask your local home improvement store for recommendations depending upon the age and type of your windows.
5. Ceiling Fan
Reverse your ceiling fans. Many of us forget this simple task that keeps the warm air down low in winter where it belongs. Most ceiling fans have a simple switch to reverse airflow.