Keeping your lawn healthy at the height of summer is no small feat, especially in regions facing ongoing drought conditions. Here are 5 Tips to a Healthy Summer Lawn that can help you keep your little slice of Heaven hydrated and healthy all season long.
1. Water your lawn in the morning
The air is cool and the sunlight is not as strong. Watering in the morning also gives your lawn time to dry out during the day before the cooler night air sets in. Watering in the late afternoon can leave your lawn wet at night. Lawns that stay damp overnight are susceptible to diseases, like fungi and mold. Experts suggest that a once-a-week deep watering (1-1.5 inches) is better than several shallow waterings throughout the week.
2. Adjust Your Mower Blade
It’s time to mow high! Raising the blade on your mower is one of the simplest steps you can take to improve the quality of your lawn. The longer your grass, the longer its roots. Grass has a one-to-one ratio between its height and its roots. If you mow at 3 inches, you will achieve 3 inches of roots. Longer grass (and roots) will make your lawn more drought-resistant and will help control weeds and even disease. Also, change up your mowing pattern to cut from a different direction each time to prevent bald spots and stress on your lawn.
3. Keep Your Mower Blades Sharp
Sharp mower blades keep your mower from leaving grass frayed and jagged at the edges. Frayed grass will brown more quickly and leave your lawn vulnerable to disease. While you’re at it, let the clippings alone. Don’t bag or rake them from your lawn. The tip of a cut blade of grass is a perfect way to bring nitrogen to your lawn as it decomposes. This thin layer of “mulch” prevents water from evaporating too quickly from your lawn and even keeps weeds from germinating.
4. Aerate Your Lawn
An aerator is a simple garden tool that creates small holes in your lawn. Aerating your lawn will loosen compacted soil and roots to make root development easier. Aerating will provide airflow, which will help your lawn absorb water and nutrients required to keep your lawn healthy.
5. Consider Re-seeding
Scotts.com says, “New grass varieties have been developed to be able to handle scorching heat and still look good.” Experts suggest re-seeding a lawn is best done in fall or early spring. There are several varieties of seeds available for lawns with high sun exposure that can withstand drought conditions.
Keeping your neighbors envious of your lawn doesn’t have to mean a lot of hard work or water usage on your part. These 5 Tips to a Healthy Summer Lawn are going to keep them wondering how you manage that beautiful lawn and still make time to enjoy your weekends.